Unify your Data and AI opportunities across the organisation.
All of your Marketing and Sales data collected, structured and made accessible. Get full control of your Metrics and KPIs, discover what drives your growth.
All your financial OKRs are calculated and reported automatically. Get full control and insight.
Connect all of your product data in one place, get an overview of usage/health scores and more.
Continuous collection, cleaning and sending of all your organisational data to LNNRT AI.
LNNRT can perform a range of tasks at a fraction of the time.
LNNRT can be deployed wherever you are, Slack, Teams, your Intranet.
LNNRT learns daily from new data and documents that is generated in the organisation.
LNNRT normalises your data, no matter the source.
LNNRT hourly ingests, cleans and transforms your data for it to be used in any BI-tool or by the LNNRT conversational AI. Get answer to any ad-hoc business related question in seconds.
Step 1 Data is continuously gathered from your data sources.
Step 2 Your data is prepared, structured and cleaned.
Step 3 You interact and ask any potential question.
LNNRT is fully GDPR compliant and all your data will reside on servers in Europe. LNNRT employs a role-based architecture that ensures that users only have access to data that they have been allowed access to.
LNNRT is being used by a VC to automise their screening process, increasing efficiency and accuracy in the process.
LNNRT is being used to automise board and leadership reports. On average saving CXOs a combined time of 45 hours a month and getting reports that are accurate.
LNNRT is being used to get daily risk assessments on customers in order to work proactivley with retention.
LNNRT is being used to easily find documentation and to get ad-hoc answers on questions on company knowledge.
LNNRT is being used in order to get fully data driven RevOps. Resulting in deeper insight between marketing, sales and finance.
LNNRT is being used to automise financial modelling and reporting. LNNRT allows for the use of company specific models or the prebuilt models.